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Your skincare routine boxed off.

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Back to school skincare

By Ellie Hummerston

September 07, 2022 • 1 min read

Back to school skincare

Whether you’re a rise-with-the-sun type or a snooze-until-you-miss-the-bus type, there’s a skincare routine you can squeeze into your morning, whether you have 3 minutes or 30.

The 3 Minute Skincare Routine 

AKA I missed all of my alarms and am already late

A very rapid cleanse: Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Gel Cleanser

SPF, always: SPF 50+

The 5 Minute Skincare Routine

AKA I missed one alarm but I should JUST make it

A slightly less rapid cleanse: Facial Cleansing Bar

Hydration station: Facial Moisturiser

You know, it, it’s sun protection: SPF 50+

The 15 Minute Skincare Routine 

AKA Toast is calling my name

Ditch the dry patches and wash away the grime: Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Cleansing Bar

You’ve got a little time, tackle that shiny forehead: Facial Purifying Tonic

Lock in that moisture:  Facial Moisturiser

No prizes for guessing this one: SPF 50+

The 30 Minute Skincare Routine 

AKA Already done my morning yoga routine 

You’ve got ages, take your time and double cleanse - especially if you’re a tad sweaty: Bi-Phase Cleansing Water, Facial Cleansing Wash

Chill and have some you-time: Breakout Control Mineral Mud Mask

Obv, rinse first, then tackle those spots directly with a light layer of this bad boy: Spot Paste

Make sure Spot Paste has dried down, then go in with some moisture: Facial Moisturiser

The very last step? You know it:  SPF 50+

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